membership program



Upon reaching a cumulative spending of HK$4000, you will qualify for an upgrade to VIP status, entitling you to a permanent 10% discount on all purchases!




Once you become a VIP, you have the opportunity to be upgraded to VVIP status and enjoy a permanent 20% discount after reaching a cumulative spending of HK$6000!



成為VVIP後累積消費滿港幣10000元即可成為 Black Prestige 會員並尊享特選獨家禮遇!

Once you achieve VVIP status, you can further elevate your membership to the exclusive Black Prestige level by accumulating a total spending of HK$10000. As a Black Prestige member, you'll gain access to a range of exceptional offers and privileges!

黑卡禮遇 | black prestige:

    1. 永久八折優惠 | a permanent 20% discount on all purchases.
    2. 可推薦兩位朋友直接成為VVIP | opportunity to recommend two of your friends directly for VVIP membership
    3. 每年享有四款精選產品自訂顏色服務,打造屬於自己獨一無二的WORKWARE 產品 | custom made WORKWARE items


    使用地點 | where?


    網店使用方法 | how to use online? 

    會員登入 | member login 

    結帳時輸入代碼 | check out with code

    VIP member code: VIP (get 10%off)

    VVIP member code: VVIP (get 20%off)

    BLACK member code: Black (get 20%off)

    *Your membership level will be automatically authorized to use the code by our system*



     email us if you have any query!